Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moonlight Swim

After another hot and humid day where we stacked some hay and caught goats to shear we decided a trip to the pond was necessary. Luke helped me slop the pigs and take care of a few things around the barn and time got away from us. I think the heat had us moving in slow motion. By the time we got to the pond the sun was down and a waxing crescent moon with an orange glow around it was up. The western sky had a soft pink tint. Hannah and Luke had absolutely no problem with swimming in the pitch black water in the dark. I watched them laugh and play games for about an hour before we called it a night. Back at the barn we fed the bunnies and filled all the water tanks again. Twilight was on yet again and we watched it together with popcorn, milk - Luke's favorite drink with everything - and yogurt. Here it is, twelve PM. These kids are so easy to keep. They never fight or complain and are thrilled with dinners like scrambled eggs and buttered rice. In the market the other day I asked Hannah if she could have any dinner she wanted what would it be and she said, Omi I love your big juicy cheeseburgers. The only problem we've had is losing Luke's retainer in the bed of my pickup truck and losing the remote control in the sofa cushions. Both were found, thankfully.

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