Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Madison County Fair

The Fair was a bit more pleasant weather-wise today. Gentle breezes and a break on the humidity. Still hot, though. Hannah took over as the needle-felting teacher and had quite a nice class going. Luke had a little too much fun on the rides and, after a barf attack, was taken home by Omi to spend some time on the sofa with ice pops and the remote control. He came back to the fair later with Poppy. I was thrilled to meet the grandparents of my student, Santana, and heard many kind words from them about Santana's progress in my class at school. Billy Goat made more friends, and I met the neighbor two farms down the road when she came around asking if I knew of a shearer who would do her four sheep. I learned that two fiber artists in my building eat their alpacas. I didn't think they ate alpacas outside of South America. The alpaca shawl should be finished tomorrow and raffled off. I wonder if he was consumed after he gave up his fiber?

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