Saturday, July 10, 2010

Madison County Fair Fiber Fest

We got our space ready to go early today. The fairgrounds was only three miles away and it took two trips. The weather report said thunderstorms, but they never came. As the day wore on we wished for some rain to relieve the heat, which was still intense. It was great to see our friends from last year, including fiber farmers from Brookfield. Hannah is a natural merchandiser and ran the booth for me. She did some spinning and took a needle felting lesson. Her pink piggies and blue mouse was adorable! Luke took charge of the alpaca shawl raffle with Janet Ambrose, the Syracuse professor/fiber artist, doing the weaving. Billy Goat was his usual charming self. Hannah made signs for his pen explaining who he is, where his breed comes from, and his kid mohair fiber. The rides finally opened at four and Luke hit them all, including one that scared his Omi, but Luke smiled the whole time. He never did get the ball in the jar to win the hermit crab. It would have been cheaper to go to a pet store and buy one at that point. We packed up and went home to dinner and chores around 7. The lovely rain started after eleven, but didn't last long. The ground is hard and dry, and at this rate the second cut of hay won't grow the way we need it to around here.

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