Friday, July 30, 2010

Men At War

Luke was such a patient, passive observer of the bridal shopping activities that I was almost happy to see him enjoy Andrew's X Box Halo game so much. Back on the farm Luke tried to get me to buy the game for him in exchange for barn chores. When I declined, we put a call in to Mom who is on duty at the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort AP Hill in Virginia. Luke's birthday is in August and he is hoping Mom will buy him one. We'll see what happens...In the meantime Andrew, Mia's fiance, sent Hannah the fifth book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series, which she finished the same day it arrived. Luke received the Dangerous Boys book which is a compilation of all kinds of crafts, historical information, and scientific knowledge the author deems necessary for a boy to learn. Luke has not let go of the book and is working on the knots.

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