Friday, July 30, 2010

Back on the Farm

Some thoughts on urban vs. rural come to mind. The hustle and bustle of town life is very attractive if you don't mind having no privacy to do what you want. Every bit of your outside life is observable by neighbors. You can't raise your voice without sharing it with whoever is within listening distance. I like rural life. The beauty of Brookfield and surrounding environs is breathtaking. I look out my barn apartment window and see my flock spread out all over the hill and listen to the baaing of moms calling to the lambs. Yes, even at six months old sheep moms still keep track of their offspring. It's nice to be able to visit Mia in Morristown, but so hard to get away from the farm. The same lifestyle that is so satisfying to me keeps me grounded, in more ways than one. I will have to find a farm-sitter to get away to Mia's shower in November, and the wedding in February. Easier said than done. If I go away it's for a good reason. I'm doing better at not worrying and obsessing about this and that, but the farm is never far from my mind. I loved staying with Mia in Morristown and wish I could have stayed longer. I realize now why Matt rented a cute little Passat for me to drive there with Hannah and Luke. He said he was embarrassed for me to drive my rusty old F150 to upscale Mo'town. I'm not embarrassed to drive my truck at all, and it's the ultimate safe driving vehicle as nobody can run me off the road. If you are in a crash you want to have all that heavy steel around you. With the rental I had to get the car back in two days. I just figured that out...

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