Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lindsay and the Chickens

Lindsay loves to collect eggs from the nest boxes but is a little afraid of the chickens. It can be a bit scary to step down into a room full of hungry little peckers who are curious about your toes. I helped her feed the chickens this morning and get some of the eggs from under the moms. I know just how to do it so they can't peck me, but that took some trial and error experience. I go under their tail feathers and tip them up slightly with my hand while grabbing the eggs. That way they have a hard time reaching around to peck my hand. We have to take their eggs every day to know how fresh they are. Random eggs found around the barn go to the cats and dogs. The hens would love to sit on all their eggs until they hatch into chicks, but we have enough chickens now to give us eggs through the winter.

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