Sunday, July 25, 2010

Friends from Foreign Lands

Kimmie Cornerstone brought her family to visit the farm for the weekend. Although rain conspired to thwart most of our plans (which included the Farmer's Market, camping in our new pop-up by the pond - a gift from Mary - and attending the Renaissance Festival) we managed to have a wonderful time. The intrepid Canadians loved scrambling down the steep gorge to the waterfall and swimming in the icy water. Truth be told, the young Canadians enjoyed the icy water more than their parents. We managed to get Kim in for a brief, but not complete, dip. Matt said no-way, too, but Maggie had a fabulous time swimming with Hannah and Jared in the jacuzzi. Kim and Darryl fixed my Louet spinning wheel and Kim plied a few bobbins for me so I can spin some more.

1 comment:

  1. Is Matt wearing the black crocs I couldn't find?


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