Monday, August 03, 2009

Zero Percent Chance of Rain

I can hardly believe it. No rain today? It rained all day yesterday and more is forecast for tomorrow. Weather is an amazing phenomenon. It can lull you into a false sense of well-being, then slap you down hard and fast. There are many fields around here with hay cut in rows, mashed into the ground from pounding rain. Everyone I know with equipment has broken tractors, broken balers, etc. It's a full time job just keeping the equipment going in best of times. Did I do the right thing moving here and raising sheep? Dairy farmers are getting 1973 prices for their milk. They have bigger nuts to crack than I do. Fortunately I have this fabulous niche market in fiber art with the knitters who keep people like me alive. Jane Porter asked me if I wanted to put bags and soap in her studio in Hamilton. I think I might take her up on it. Every avenue of business has to be considered. Better stop ruminating on all this and get to work on this niche market I am depending on. I made Black Cherry soap yesterday with some oil I got from Laticia Mullin of Soap Nuts in a trade for wool. It's amazing stuff, and I, ever the essential oil snob, couldn't help but want to make a batch of soap with this wonderful scent, even though it's a "fragrance oil," and has no herbal qualities to it. Smelling fantastic has got to be a plus! Now if I can find some fabric with cherries on it to wrap it with.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing!!! Glad to see you're keeping busy -not that its hard on the farm -lots to do at all times!!!


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