Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still Summery

I'm loving this vacation thing. Not that I am every on vacation, but not having to run around like crazy and get out of here at quarter to eight is delightful. I stagger to the coffeepot and make my cappucino ala Annie, stagger over to the sofa and sit a while. While visiting Annie in San Jose last Christmas she showed me how I can put a whisk in the coffee cup and foam the milk, then pour in hot coffee and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. It's heavenly and I'm hooked. All other coffee pales in comparison. Kimmie Cornerstone brought me some super strong Multatelli coffee from Canada, Thor's Hammer to be exact, and it's perfect for coffee served this way. I'm told cinnamon is good for keeping your blood sugar down, which works for me. It tastes so Swedish. I'm spinning like crazy, which suits me right now. I had SO many full bobbins that I had to empty before spinning anything new. I need to sort fleeces but now it's just soooo hot. I might have to buy a fan for the milk room. I prefer fans to AC, as I am not wracked with guilt over using it and fans can be targeted to specific areas instead of cooling all that needless space. I don't know how to tell Beastie Boy that Wooster jumped the fence to get to the girls. I tried to tell him we needed a higher panel on that one area, but he said NAAAHHHHH, he won't get over it. BFL's can be very athletic, and Wooster is a fine young three year old stud. Just what Matt wants to do after work, chase a ram around in the heat. My calculations tell me lambs on January 4. I better get my silk underwear ready.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the coffee :) Daryl refuses to drink any other when we are home.
    Sure wish we lived closer -we could have our own spin -in.
    HUGS to all

    Kim and crew
    who had to shove all the critters out of the path of the fan this morning -I wanted some cool air too!!


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