Monday, August 10, 2009

Okay, It's Hot

We've had a blissfully cool summer - until now. It's 90 and very muggy. I don't feel right complaining about the heat because soon enough it will be blistering cold here in Upstate New York and we will have a different set of challenges. I carried extra water to the White Boys, Finn, Knut and Thor, and put a tub outside for the sheep who were lying in the shade of the silo. It seems so odd to see sheep panting. With dogs, it's a natural way to cope with heat, but sheep look very weird when panting. Maggie hates to pant, and, after the necessary critter chores were done and the trip to town for banking and post office was over, she parked herself at the spinning wheel under the ceiling fan which is also conveniently over the television and coffee table. There is a small space of a few square feet that is bearable. After wrapping soap half the morning, spinning was the only alternative close to the fan. I tried sewing but the machine is too far away from the breeze. A "severe" thunderstorm was forecast for late afternoon, and the radar confirmed the threat, but it missed us. Would have been a nice reprieve from the heat. Luke would have said, Let's go in the hay mow and watch the rain! It's so much fun. I lost one rabbit to the heat, I believe, even though I moved her to a clean cage in a cooler spot. She had been plucked but there was enough angora on her to do her in. I've pretty much decided to buy a double wide trailer to live in and use this apartment as a workshop. Realistically, Matt does not have the time to build anything significant, or do any major renovations to this barn. A trailer would come completed and I could just move in. I hate to ruin the landscape with a trailer but it would be practical and easy. This little apartment is piled high with fabric and soap accoutrement, and I don't have enough room to work and live at the same time. There is a trailer sales place in West Winfield. I think I'll drive over there tomorrow and check them out. I got my hot, molten soap scraps potion poured finally after four days of mashing and cooking. I'll need more shaving blocks for fall shows and now I've got them. I have to move back under the ceiling fan as I am melting....what a world, what a world, what a world!

1 comment:

  1. I think a trailer is an excellent idea. If you ever get to building you can sell it but until then you can have some of the room you want!


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