Saturday, August 22, 2009

Market Day

A few isolated drops fell down but not enough to cover anything at the market. Business was moderate but enough friends were there to make it a very enjoyable day. A nice thing happened...Prof. Jane, a lovely lady who teaches at Colgate bought a bag for her daughter in England. After the bag went to live in England, Professor Jane thought she wanted one for herself. I had no idea what fabric her daughter's bag was made of, and however she tried to describe it I couldn't remember it. I found some fabric I thought was it and made a bag, lining it with some fabulous Ralph Lauren houndstooth called "Canterbury." Not having seen the professor for some weeks, I brought it to the market anyway and put it out. Along comes Prof. Jane, who is thrilled to pieces and buys the bag! I also sold my last messenger style orange leaf bag to a niece of my BOCE friend, Adrianna O'Neill. Soap sales were slow, but that's okay, as I need all the soap I have for fall shows. I got home to find my green wool nice and dry on the rack outside, with none scattered by kitties while I was gone. Mary called and we went for a very relaxing and refreshing swim with the border collie trio, plus a new dog, Meg, who had been away on geese patrol assignment. We exchanged veggies, with me getting fresh basil, broccoli, beans and cabbage. Mary got a huge bag of tomatoes from New Jersey courtesy of my sister-in-law, Loretta. They were very much appreciated by Mary, especially with the tomatoe blight we've experienced in Central New York. Black clouds are rolling in now. Better get the White Boys taken care of before the downpour starts.

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