Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cooler and Cloudy

Not as humid today. We had some sun for a while but now the sky is dark and I hear rumbling. Don't think Mary and I will get our swim today. The day started off a little rough when I did not have a single piece of napkin or paper towel to use instead of the coffee filters I ran out of. I plugged in the new fancy Cuisinart coffee machine, that does not require a filter, from Jan's unclaimed salvage and tried to get it working. It was like rocket science, and I must not have done something right as the coffee ran all over the counter and onto the floor. I was not amused. I decided that it's too big for my tiny barn kitchen anyway, and that my little four cup Mister Coffee does just fine. Early on, with fuzzy heads from no coffee, we got to catching the angora goat bucks to seperate them from the girls - again. Matt was willing and I was eager to decrease my chances of January babies. That's all I need - sitting in school in the wintery cold and snow, worrying about babies freezing on the ground. While sorting out the bucks and heaving them over the fence back into their area, we spied Wooster, my registered BFL ram. Wooster has also been a naughty boy - escaping over, or under, the fence and getting back in with the girls. We grabbed him and popped a halter on him, as he was scheduled to go to his new home on Mary's farm today. I got him wormed and clipped - not a big job as maybe one pound of fleece, ten months growth, came off him, unskirted. He's a beautiful boy, with a perfect blue head and nice long body, but not a heavy wooler. And I am in the wool business. Therein lies the problem. Mary was happy to get him, especially when he dove right into her flock and buried his nose in the derriere of one of her ewes. As we drove away I saw him mounting the girls already. And he didn't even wave to me!! Back to the farm to find the goat boys had escaped again. What else should we expect as we did not repair the areas they were getting out of? I caught two and Matt fixed the pen, but we have a few more to catch - Manny, Barack Obama, Hecky and one other. Anybody want some cute black or white angora bucks? I am plugging away with sorting wool, washing and dyeing. I got two big pots of emerald green wool done today. Not going as quickly as I would like as I have to pull apart many felted clumps of wool and remove hay and burdock. Angora is so easy - it goes right into the pot of dye, unwashed, and sucks up that color. Oh, I love it. I hope Kimmie Cornerstone keeps growing that amazing fiber for me. And she's so good at getting it off the bunners in time. Back to work. I might sew a little as it gets my head straight, kind of like spinning. There's nothing as soothing as spinning - the wheel of life goes round and round. Mary gave me some filters and I fired up my little Wal-Mart coffee maker. Life is good.


  1. Too much water in the resevoir is why the coffee ran over. Did I give you the booklet? Hope so because that is a real nice machine!

    Good Luck when you try again ..

  2. Working on a fall harvest crop as we speak :) I need my Maggies fiber fix too!!!

  3. The way we make coffee, here in Llopland, is to boil water on the stove in a pot(usually 7 cups) add coffee powder(1/2 cup Lusianne) and pour it into our mugs through a strainer. No filters to buy, no large appliance taking up counter space.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    why not band the goats to neuter them?


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