Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cooled Off

REAL hot and humid for most of the day. I got two more pots of cherry red BFL dyed, washed and spread out to dry. I went into town to run errands and watched in horror from the little grocery as the sky blackened and rain started. OH, well, I decided. My wool can stand another rinse. The sun will surely come back tomorrow. The rain was so hard coming home from town I almost had to pull over. When home I went up to the hay mow to check on things, thinking of Luke and how he loved to "watch the rain" from the mountain of bales, when I heard screaming kittens. Holly heard them, too, and we searched and searched. There they were, outside on the platform where the giant feed bins sit. A cat who I think is their mother watched and did nothing as I wiggled and crawled out to retrieve them from the rain. Bad teenaged mother! They hissed and spit but I think were relieved when I got ahold of them. I brought them in to dry and will put them back in the hay mow. In the meantime it is nicely cool in the apartment after the storm. Off to do evening chores. I am real sleepy from the heat I think. I heard from AJ in SC at Ft Jackson. Chaplain school is over in a week. I hope he can come for a visit. All he needs to do is finish seminary and get himself ordained and he is a full-fledged chaplain. I just pray he gets a stateside assignment instead of going to the unmentionable place. It's out of my hands. Just keep busy and tend to my critters. Doesn't Monkey and her baby make a lovely pair?

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