Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Brief Reprieve

Much cooler this morning. I followed Matt across B'field to drop my Jeep off at Zuke's Garage. I'm trying to get some more wool dyed before the oppressive heat comes back this afternoon. I melted some beeswax for candles this morning. I was selling soy wax candles from my booth but now I think I will do beeswax from local beekeepers instead. We'll see how they throw the scent. I have a good supply of acrylic scents from a wool barter. I don't desire another heavy thing to carry but I love candles and they kind of go with soap and wool, in my fuzzy logic. I have a huge fleece from my Andrew, a BFL/Natural Colored wether, to wash. It's colored but I will dye it purple and blend my bright red BFL with it. It's fine but slightly coarse and will "hold up" the baby soft Bluefaced Leicester. My BFL is almost too soft, if you can imagine that. It's horrible to pick, as every little thing sticks to it. I must get jackets on them after next shearing. I picked the wrong breed for the wool business. The BFL wool is divine but there's not enough of it on the animal. It just doesn't seem right for a great big giant sheep to have such a small amount of wool on it. I love my sheep, but I would have been better off with another breed of longwool, like Border Leicester. Much more bang for your buck wool-wise. Live and learn.

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