Sunday, February 15, 2009

Midnight Wool

Up until 2 am picking through black fleeces. OH, this BFL is so fine the black tips burn up in the sun. HAVE to SEW coats for the black sheep. Yeah, in my spare time. I really get into a zone when I pick. I get lost in the crimp. I spread out the newspaper under my feet in front of the wood stove with the fleece on the floor next to me. I snip the burned tips off then pull apart every lock. That way it washes better and the dyes can penetrate the wool more thoroughly. I have movies on but rarely see the picture, just the sound. There Will Be Blood, our Saturday night special Valentine movie, was so disgusting and depressing I was glad I had the wool to concentrate on. Wait until I get ahold of cute little Gretchen. I gave her Beowulf which grossed her out - I guess this was payback!! Yikes, what a sick movie. The old Moby Dick came on and that entertained me until the locks were falling out of my hands and I staggered off to bed with my dogs. I have to get coats on my black sheep. It would make my life so much easier. It's one thing to keep sheep alive and healthy, but keeping the wool marketable is another thing altogether. The five hours I spent clipping and picking last night would have been reduced significantly by coats on their backs. Have to wash dishes so Matt can make omelettes. Big outing today - trip to Panera then B&N to see if the February fiber magazines are there, along with British Country Living. Then back to work on the farm. Still a ton of soap to wrap, bags to cut out, dye pots to fire up. I had a nice chat with AJ yesterday. He had been away preaching to troops at Fort Dix, and up to Boston to visit with another seminary. AJ, Mia and Andrew are getting together in Yonkers where AJ's seminary is this Friday for their birthday celebration. I'm happy they will be together. Their placentas were fused together in the womb. When I saw that I knew they would always be friends.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sorry you didn't like it! It was a little graphic...but I just love Daniel Day Lewis. And the "milk shake/drainage" thing cracks me up every time.


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