Saturday, February 14, 2009

EOH Farmer's Market

The market was a great success. I got there in plenty of time and got VIP parking by the front door. Debbie gave me a good spot by a sunny window and I set up a cute table. Staying up until 1 to wrap soap, then getting up at 6 to make creme paid off. The creme sold out (20 jars at $5) and I sold a bit of soap. Two bags were purchased, including the fabulous hand knitted, pieced lining art bag Carol gave me for fiber. I didn't sell a single strand of anything fibery - not even a fiber sample pack, or handspun yarn, but Carol's knitted bag was a big hit. I brought it at the last minute to decorate the booth and two people wanted it. A lady came back three times and finally bought the windowpane bag with the triangle button. The opera house was full of farmers with their veggies and meats, yogurt and cheese, even oven-roasted Chenango County coffee. I was so busy at my table and socializing all morning I didn't take a single picture!! They had a terrific turnout and plan on doing the indoor farmer's market on the second Saturday of every month until the outdoor market opens in Hamilton.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I'm sorry I didn't get my butt together and go. I was thinking of it...but lazy took over. I'm glad you were successful!

  2. AWESOME!!! Glad you had a good day!


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