Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snowy Morning Musings

No School Today...what a gift! It's one of the best perks of public education. No boss somewhere far away saying, what do you mean you can't get in today? I always have so much to do this extra time is just so wonderful. I can type a little more on my blog, sew bags, cut up soap, play with my new baby goat, Baby Jane, on and on. Sometimes I sit down at the keyboard and nothing comes out but not this morning. That's what happened last night after chores. Usually I could go on and on ad nauseum about something, but not last night. No problem, I just vegged in front of the TV and watched Big Love, my favorite soap opera. Every woman wants a husband like Bill, but sharing him with two, maybe three other wives? Don't think so...It was late anyway, and the kitties were happy I was staying still for a change. There was no knitting on my lap and my Louet is so out of kilter it wiggles and sways when I spin. Matt, the former carpenter, doesn't even know where his tools are. When he doesn't feel like fixing something for me he tells me the tools he needs are across the street and I have no way of knowing if that's true. Very clever. I kick some of them on the barn floor. What's happened to my Master Carpenter??? He wears nice clothes every day and has brand new office furniture (including a 12 foot long L-shaped desk and "executive chair")in his new room in the training center. I told him he has some nerve getting new office furniture when half the country is getting laid off. I can't complain - my whole building is brand new and sparklingly beautiful. Yikes, when I think of the prison I went to high school in, with the wooden chairs that splintered and stuck to my stockings (yes, this is pre-panty hose when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we were not allowed to wear pants!!). Matt wants more new clothes for his birthday coming up. If he thinks they are coming from somewhere other than the Salvation Army or Walmart he better think again. If he's really nice and takes good care of my animals he might get the new set of teeth he wants someday. I personally think his teeth keep him humble...but he wants new teeth and I have the dental coverage. When he threatens to put all my sheep on a truck to the auction he loses points...but I let him rant anyway. When he's in the office he's happy, and Obama will likely keep weatherization funding coming in - thank you Democrats.

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