Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Baby Kid Doing Fine

Tiny little Baby Jane - hey, that's a cute name! - is doing fine this morning. I was afraid to look when I went out into the cold barn, but there she was. We had penned her up with mom so well I didn't have time to take the panel down to get inside with her. I kneeled down, reached in and felt her belly - full and firm, which tells me she's been nursing. I pried open her little jaw (goats are funny that way - it's easier to get inside a lamb's mouth) and her mouth was warm, also a good sign. Her back was toasty warm under the thick angora sweater. Big relief. Leaving newborns in the nursery to go off to work is never a good feeling but I think this pair will be okay. I guess young Hector (Hecky) did the deed. He is the registered white buck from Mary's friend in Cape Cod. I thought he was still too young and small, but I guess not! The does have been hanging around the fence that cuts off Tommy Boy and the rams from the females. TB bangs on the fence making snorting and chortling noises which must mean something like, "Hey, honey, just jump over this fence and I will take you to paradise!" Does are programmed to try and mate with the biggest, machoist buck around, and Tommy Boy is it. Sadly, he is bred out and we needed new blood. Maybe little Hecky sneaked up from behind and got them when their guard was down.


  1. Go Hector!!!! so do you have to watch for more now or is she the only one?
    She's such a cutie!!!

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Do you have directions for the nifty lamb/kid sweater? How big do you make it?


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