Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Remaking America

Okay, so my work ethic wouldn't let me stay home and watch the whole deal, soup to nuts like I wanted to...but I had faith that one or both of the history majors in my department would play the swearing in of our new president, and they did, but I was on CAFETERIA DUTY!!!!!! It was torture as I was watching the clock, knowing what was happening and I was missing it. Didn't see Aretha sing either. As one other teacher on lunch duty said to me, someone has to run the society while the others celebrate. I couldn't let it damper the euphoria I felt over being free from the abysmal leadership of the last eight years. When I got back to the classroom the speech was on and I caught part of it. Now I'm home and watching the parade between mixing bottles and running out to the barn to do my pre-chore chores. I want to see VMI marching, Eric's alma mater. I thought I saw them, but it was West Point. The lining of the VMI capes are red, as they are the only military school to be blooded as a corps of cadets in the battle of New Market. All 1,700 cadets are participating. The dogs, used to having me home for three days, chewed up pillows and pulled down coats from the nails (no closets) to gnaw on...always a lovely homecoming. It's really cold and damp outside - must be getting ready to snow. Tanner yanked the leash out of my hand and has run off with Holly. Hopefully they will come in when they see Matt's truck. I've decided to take Hannah and Luke to Washington DC this summer for a long weekend to do the sites and museums. AJ is going to DC on Thursday with his seminary to do a march for life (is this my son????). Okay, at least he's not a Moonie with a shaved head and a tambourine dancing at airports. I'm so happy for America right now, it would be okay. As I watch Barack watching the parade right now, looking fresh and relaxed, I'm thinking everything's going to be alright. God willing...


  1. We got to watch it in class today... I thought the kids were going to rip their eyeballs out-they were so bored with it.My sister braved the crowds and watched it first hand!
    (P.S. I sent you and email)

  2. Here's hoping and praying that this is the leader America needs and deserves. I have to admit I was quite impressed with his speach.


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