Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good Luck #44

2 degrees F. this morning. I keep thinking it's getting warmer, but I am getting more acclimated to the cold. When it's 40 I will feel like fainting. The sheep are staying in the barn and wandering out to lick snow during the day. The door is frozen open so I couldn't lock them in if I wanted to. Just hope they run out in the event of fire - something I always worry about. I've seen three dead rats this winter. Surprised they braved the Kitty Cadre to come in and try to get some grain. Rats chew the insulation off wires and cause fires, among other nasty things. Enough about rats.

I'm off to do bottles, feed chickens, cats and get into work. I hate to leave the inaugural coverage. I love to listen to the commentary and see the pictures of the crowds. I hope they have TV's on in school but I can't count on it. Most of the teachers are young and don't remember segregation, but they are smart/educated enough to know how important this election is. It's one thing to get into office and another to make change. Let's see what he does with all this power. I was very moved when O. talked about hearing his mother argue with insurance companies as she was lying in a hospital bed dying of ovarian cancer. Let's hope he stops the ridiculous spending on war and gives us health coverage and early childhood education...and brings some industry to our poor New York State where there are no jobs for my students when they graduate. I know so many people playing Russian Roulette with their health. If you have a job you and no coverage you are going to have to pay for that hot appendix to be taken out. How many times have I heard "Oh, I feel great, I don't need health insurance." The local free clinic is not going to take out your appendix. I better jump down off my soap box and get to my job.

1 comment:

  1. I see you were looking for blogs to follow. You might want to check out www.zephyrsheepfarm.blogspot.com. She was a Shetland breeder and is now transitioning to BFL's. She also posts about life's ups and downs, as well as fiber. I check out your blog on occasion, since you are in NY State too. I try to keep my blog farm and fiber related. I would consider getting ram lamb at some point to breed some crosses, I have Shetlands, so I would love to learn more about your flock. Your bags are beautiful!


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