Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Over the Hump

Once Wednesday is over I start cruising toward the weekend. I'm still musing over yesterday's events. I tried to stay up and watch excerpts from the festivities but gave up at 11. Up at 5 when Holly gently pushed me so close to the edge of the bed I was almost on the floor. Camped out on the sofa watching more news. Oh, what I would have given to be at the ball where Stevie Wonder performed my FAVORITE SW song, Sign Sealed Delivered. It came out when Eric was a baby and it's still a great tune. I didn't like Michelle O. at first, but I'm a fan now. I loved her textured quilted suit and later, that long white dress with her statuesque beauty and When I saw her bending over to fix her younger daughter's shoe buckle, well, that won me over. She's a mommy and she's always done everything right. Normally I would make a sarcastic joke about Affirmative Action, but now I don't care. I like her. All this comparison to Lincoln, I don't know. I heard an interesting commentary on NPR yesterday. Eric Foner, the Columbia professor whose books every US History student has to read, said it's not an accurate comparison. Some of his comments I recall:

1. Lincoln never belonged to a church in his life.
2. Lincoln did not have any clergy make an invocation at his swearing in ceremony.
3. Lincoln believed passionately in the separation of church and state.

Can you imagine a presidential candidate who didn't belong to a church at all? He/she probably wouldn't be elected now days.

With regard to the new book by Doris Kearns Goodwin on Lincoln surrounding himself with a cabinet of "rivals" to keep himself sharp...Foner says Lincoln hardly had a cabinet at all. He met with individual cabinet members sporadically not collectively. Obama will likely not operate like Lincoln. I don't mind him admiring Lincoln but I'm sure he will be his own man. It's all very interesting.

Back on the Lilly is losing her hair along her backbone. The stress of carrying those big twins at her age, and God knows what else... I adore her. Lilly loves rabbit pellets, so I give her some on top of her corn when I'm finished feeding the bunnies.

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