Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cold Dark Wet

The apartment is bright warm and cozy...books, magazines, newspaper, fiber, fabric scattered everywhere. Makes me feel right at home. Whenever I go into a house where you don't see a magazine, book or basket of yarn I think, yikes, what do these people do with themselves? Tidy up all the time? Watch TV in the bedroom? Different strokes...I hate to go out into the cold and dark but duty calls.

Speaking of duty...Obama and Roberts had to do the oath of office over again. Roberts didn't study and forgot to bring notes. Can you imagine??? Some people say he screwed up because O. didn't vote for him to be Chief Justice. Still, why would someone with such a distinguish position want to sound so incompetent? Hillary is now Secretary of State. Maybe now we have a chance to get some impossibly difficult situations straightened out. Bubba will charm the ladies and Hillary will talk turkey. What a team.

Enough politics. Off to do morning chores and get to school. The sink froze in the milk room because I turned the heater off to dry my jeans in the dryer and then went to sleep. Now I have to carry water from the apt. out to the sheep. My arms hurt so much I can hardly turn over in the bed. There's got to be a better way. I wanted a sheep farm in upstate New York???

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