Thursday, January 15, 2009

Looking for Blogs

I'm shopping for more blogs to follow. I like the handful I follow, but most of them don't post every day and I get tired of checking and not finding an update for weeks sometimes. I'm very dogged and loyal and keep looking for them to post. Sockladyspins is the most faithful blogger with the best fiber pictures mixed with wildlife, every day happenings like when the propane truck finally shows up, etc., but even she misses, like when she's travelling out of the country. After Lynne I would say Kimmie at Cornerstone Fibres and Kathleen at Bag of Olives are great at sharing their fibery lives with the world. Considering how busy they are I am really impressed with what they do with their on-line journals. But I need more! I don't like a prissy blog where everything is perfect and the husband LOVES taking care of the critters and is always out in the barn building hay feeders, putting up fencing then comes in and washes the dishes. I would become extremely envious. I don't want to hear about granite countertops, Pergo floors, fancy tiles, and big screen TV's either. That would be vulgar and materialistic. I like a healthy dose of true-life drama, like when the cat knocks down the knitting on the bookshelf and the dogs have a go at it (that's what happened to me today!). I like to hear about success and happiness, don't get me wrong. I'm good at living the vicarious experience! It's just that people who are struggling to keep a farm going like to know there are other people struggling along with them. So if you can recommend a farmy, fibery blog posted fairly regularly I would like to hear about it.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, go check out Michelle at Boulderneigh,

    She's got shetland sheep and psts about her farm much more often than I ever can!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!