Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dark, Dark and More Dark

I don't remember last winter being quite so dark. Ofcourse it was, but human nature is such that we forget, renew ourselves, then deal with it again, refreshed. I'm trying not to think of the fact that I can't wash my clothes...drain frozen and will stay that way for weeks I imagine. I found pants for today and another pair of oatmeal jeans for tomorrow, still in the suitcase from the San Jose trip. Kid drama at work today. Fortunately the new student I work with is such a pussycat he keeps me inspired. I'm not sure inspired is the right word...but he doesn't make me want to escape out the window. Regents testing coming up, stressful for everyone. Winter takes a toll on us all. Three day weekend beginning tomorrow night, what a blessing. Minus 3 F. right now, 7:30 PM. The sky is crystal clear and still with bright, vivid stars. The temp will go even lower tonight with snow and wind expected tomorrow. The barn apt. was not too cold when I got home, even with the fire gone out for a while. We are almost out of wood. Larry and Lester are calling as I open the door from the milk room into the barn. Levi is growing out of his sweater...thanks to that rich mother's milk. Matt is experiencing much success at his job. They gave him a room of his own and let him pick out new office furniture at the training center. I guess they plan to keep him. I'm glad he's so happy with his new career. The way he smokes and coughs I fear he might only have a couple of years to enjoy it. 10 PM we are at minus 8 F. Better put the drip on the kitchen faucet.

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