Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wild Ride

The storm passed over the Middle Kingdom of Central New York and the radar said all clear. Mia and I hit the road and made our way through the beautiful winter wonderland of Central New York, down 17 to 87 to 287 to Morristown in time to catch sushi at Nagano's. Oh, My Goodness, it was soooo good. California rolls and shrimp tempura. I was in heaven. I was in for a special treat. Mia's boyfriend, Andrew the Mountain Climber, was playing in-line hockey with his league at the rink just a few blocks off the town square. I was not familiar with iceless ice hockey, and it was very exciting indeed. Very fast paced with all the bumping and aggression of the real thing. We sat with RJ, Mia's nursing school comrade, and had an interesting conversation about the neonatal ICU where she is on staff. They have 50 special needs patients, most of them due to invitro fertilization births. "Everybody wants babies," she said. Quick hello to Andrew after the game then on to Mia's apt. to get ready for my flight to Ca. tomorrow. We lugged a box-car load of kiddie gifts up two flights of stairs and started wrapping and packing. After a call to the airline we decided to do some repacking to avoid paying ridiculous bag fees. I helped Mia get a dark blue mohair ribbed scarf started for Andrew. Let's see if she can keep the ribs straight. We're both so sleepy and the yarn is dark, making it hard to see where the purls and knits are. I think it's sleepy time for us...Nighty-night!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    miss you all!! i am so happy that you got there safe with all the goodies! have soooo much fun!!!!!


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