Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Do You Know the Way to San Jose?

I heard Mia's alarm go off around 3 or so, and rolled over to a delicious cup of coffee next to me on the bed table (God bless her). There were somewhere around 14 bottles of body wash, shampoo and conditioners in the shower of the Beautiful Blondes, Mia and Monika. I made a mental note I was not going to buy Suave at 79 cents a bottle anymore. My hair really does feel better. We made it to the airport in dark and cold at 5:45 to find a line a mile long for baggage check in, even with my boarding pass in hand. The inside line was much longer. I was thankful to have a heavy sweater under my duffle coat and Lynne's Monstersockens, which I believe bring me good luck, inside my Dansko's. Mia had to get back to Morristown Memorial to start her 12 hour shift beginning at 7. It was 90 minutes inching along my three suitcases. When I got to the kiosk my hands were so cold I could hardly get the tip out of my pocket, but I am superstitious and was afraid if I didn't tip her my two giant pink suitcases would not make the connection to San Jose and there would be no Santa Claus. Once the bags were handed over, I RAN into the airport to hear the last boarding call for my flight. I don't run as fast as I used to but somehow found my frozen feet doing double time down the runway to Continental Gate 88 - on the far side of the terminal, down a flight of stairs. No time for magazines, goodies, or ladie's room, but I got my flight. I was feeling a bit upset about the whole thing, until the man sitting next to me told me, rather happily, that he was thrilled to be on this flight. He was stranded in Toronto for a day, then got to Newark and spent the night in the airport waiting to get on a flight to Las Vegas. While trying to sleep in an airport chair, he and his wife saw a whole planeload of people, who were two hours out on their way to Seattle, being returned to Newark, NJ, only to be told they couldn't be flown to Seattle as the airport had closed down! He said they looked real tired and forelorn. I didn't feel so bad about my lack of magazines and cookies. I was on my way to my waiting grandkiddies....

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