Friday, December 05, 2008

Looks Like Christmas

It's not hard to look like Christmas around here. There is some kind of precipitation every day, mostly that tiny little lake effect snow. The decorations are out in the little towns and Christmas trees are for sale at the feed stores. The FFA students have delivered the fruit orders to the staff and are selling wreaths now. Kelly brought me the four foot frame for my star. I want to put up a star with lights on the silo. There's a farm in NJ that always had a star on TOP of the silo at Christmas. You could see it miles away. I'm scared to climb to the top as the ladder going up looks kind of rusty, and I don't have an extension cord that long. I'll get it up high enough that I can see it coming home, or over the hill in the other direction. The prettiest view of my barn is from the Brookfield side, where I rarely go, only to get the mail once a week at my post box. Matt takes his Building Performance Institute test today after work. Thank God it's over. I didn't drive everyone crazy with my certification tests the way he does. MEN! I keep going back in my mind to the brain physiology I learned at the recent conference. With stimulation (fight or flight type) the endocrine system stimulates the amygdala and fills the brain with chemicals. In females, it swirls around the brain while she figures out what to do in a rational way. In males it spills into the body and POW! It takes self-control and intellect to combat this impulse. We studied this physiology with regard to boys in the classroom, ofcourse. I confess it does help me understand the behavior of a certain male in my life.

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