Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Cold and Crisp

Stopped by Homestead Feed to buy some apples for the critters. A couple of days ago I cut up a bunch for the piggies but didn't make it all the way through the barn. The sheep and goats surrounded me and coaxed the apples out of me. It was so much fun, popping all the tasty bits into the upraised mouths of the girls. My big skinny Rambo girl was the most eager, followed by Flicka, an older white doe. I bought ten pounds of apples at $1.39 a pound. Thought they should be cheaper as they were in the box on the floor for weeks, but no deal. Have to find a place where I can get more and cheaper produce for them. When I have a tractor (a tractor! a tractor! my kingdom for a tractor!) I can plow some land and grow my own produce for them. I took the doggies out then made a half pot of coffee (Matt likes one when he comes in the door) then pulled my boots on. I was sure I would find some lambs in the barn, but nothing yet. I am checking udders quite frequently. I reach under the back side of the ewe to feel for swelling. The girls always jump like a grasshopper when I do this - they really don't like it. Pretty soon I will be on my knees coaxing lambs to nurse from these udders. I am going to try to graft lambs whose mothers have bad udders on to moms with lots of milk. It will take some doing and help from Matt but I don't want to buy milk replacer at ridiculous prices. It was $50 a bag last year, now it's up to $70...and all it's only powdered whey, a by-product from cheese making - not even milk! Matt is in school all this week, preparing for the Building Analyst Institute certification. If he passes the exam on Friday he will be able to do energy audits on buildings. Lots of math, I know I couldn't do it. He comes home frazzled. I won't be going to the Delaware Riverkeeper show this weekend. They moved it to a smaller venue for this year and I didn't call to confirm in I got bumped! As desperate as I am for hay money, I am relieved I don't have to drive to NJ this weekend. Last year I had a terrifying ride home in an ice storm Sunday night. There is a craft show in Syracuse I will apply to for next year - the Plowshare Craft Show at the Nottingham High School where I took my teacher certification exams. If I get in there and the Chenango Colorscape in September I should be set with mostly local shows. Have to stop in to the Earlville Opera House on Sunday and check on my goods there. Some friends from the farmer's market are having a tea party there for show patrons. Should be loverly.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS you guys :) How many oops lambs are you expecting? Bet they are cute as anything in their little sweaters snuggled down with mama.


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