Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Very Cold

Okay, it's cold. 24 F. on my milk room steps. Poor kitties...I gave them new wool in a nice cardboard box, but they are suspicious of the smell I think. I let them in the milk room b/c I just can't stand the thought of my kitties freezing. They don't want to go into the inner barn, which is a big scary place with another tribe of kitties who might not like them in there. Bigger creatures (sheep and goats) are everywhere. I have three tribes of cats...the Hay Mow Gang, the Milk Room Stoop Gang and the Lower Barn Gang. The Lower Barn cats are always under foot. I finally started walking slowly and deliberately so they would just learn to get out of my way, and they seem to have gotten the idea...but once in a while I trip over one or catch a tail. Good thing they are so cute and keep those rats away. I've seen a couple of kitties running around with rat legs sticking out of their mouths lately. Good kitties! Good kitties! I stayed up late and got up early to make this bag. Oh, it's so pretty. Too bad the picture downloaded sideways. My computer is on it's last legs, I think, and with the hay I have to buy I don't think Santa Claus will bring a new one. I adore the paisley chenille fabric and the coral microfiber from the dressmaker in Hamilton is sooo nice as a lining. Getting the snap frame in before chores this morning was a bit tricky. I will take it to Hamilton for the Opera House benefit. Another bag on deck tonight after chores and dinner. I made a double batch of mac and cheese....perfect for a cold blustery night. Better get myself into winter gear and get out there. Wind is blowing hard. Bunny water will surely be frozen - oh, joy.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    that bag is so damn cute! I might need to get one for my mom for christmas this year...she needs something unique and a maggie bag could be just the thing!

  2. Let me know what you have in mind as far as size is concerned and I can show you some swatches. I can make you whatever you want for your mom! Danke!


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