Monday, November 17, 2008

Cold and Snowy

I took my beautiful and artsy nuno felted scarf to work today. Didn't quite know how to wear it, and don't think I can carry off that kind of garment, but it felt good to show it around. My principal wants Lisa to come to school and do her felted snow flake ornament workshop with the kids. She made felted bags with them two years ago and it was such a big hit. We can combine it with a science lesson on snowflakes. Who was that guy in Vermont who devoted his life to studying snow flakes? I forget...but it's sooo interesting. No two snowflakes are alike! Came home and passed by the farm to get to Brookfield and pick up the mail. Barb, the Postmaster, was happy to see me. It's a pain to get into the village to pick up mail, but I get to see Barb and the locals, and check out the town bulletin board. Home to take the doggies out, put out cat food and tidy up after leaving the "kids" in the apartment all day. I get home first and clear the decks, do some early chores, figure out what to make for dinner, and maybe sew for a few minutes. I have to take some items to the Earlville Opera House for the month long sale. It's so much fun to go there and see the artists setting up their displays. Such a combination of pottery, jewelry and fiber arts you have never seen in one place. It's cold again and feels like winter.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Maggie! I didn't realize you brought it in! I would have loved to see it. I hoep you bring it back sometime. I'm sorry...I've been wrapped up in my own stuff and barely have time to talk to my one true fiber friend. Sorry! The picture of it are lovely.

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Snowflake Bentley!

  3. That's it! Snowflake Bentley! Thanks, Katie! I learned about him from a chemistry teacher in my old high school. How is your family Katie? I need your home address. Is it on the vendor list from Rhinebeck?

  4. Gretchen! I hope you found your Newsweek magazines! Any time I look at them I put them in the little cubby in your classroom. I realize I would be a very likely culprit to lightfinger a Newsweek, being the utterly boring nerd that I am, but I didn't do it this time!

  5. PS. Gretchen, I'll bring the scarf back to show you tomorrow! I think you'll like it. I'm not sure they are something I would really throw myself into. It takes hours to make one and I am in such a "has to be functional as well as beautiful" mode, that I am more inclined to make a handbag or knit some socks or a pair of bunny mittens!

  6. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Maggie...I've found a new exciting craft for christmas...chapstick! I hope it works out...I think it will be a great gift for people with a christmas card. I love to make things so people can go..."wow! you made that?".
    Don't worry about Newsweek...I'm sure they're under a scary looking pile on my desk. I was only looking for them so I could show laurie a picture of Tom Brady (So hot!). See you in the AM. I'm psyched about the scarf!

  7. Wow, chapstick is a new frontier for me. I read about people making it all the time on the CNY Soapmakers list, and I think they use something called "malibu tubes" - could that be right? Can't wait to see how they come out. Who the heck is Tom Brady? Have to see a picture tomorrow...


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