Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where Did the Day Go?

Wanted to get much more done, but will have to settle for two handbags, two goat kids sheared (including my adorable little Manny), visit to Jan's to see progress on barn apartment, laundry, kittens, cooking, chores, and about a dozen Mother Fiber Needle/Nuno Fiber Felting Kits. They look real cute. I called Eric and Hannah answered the phone! They were on their way to the beach near San Jose. Luke says it's cold there - new for them coming from Las Vegas. He and Hannah like their new school and tell me the kids and teachers are OK. Annie remained in Vegas to work and will fly out to Ca. to visit them next weekend. AJ called to say things are going well at seminary. He read the epistle in church today and carried the cross around - a big deal for him. He's very happy there, and has had visitors every weekend since joining St. Vladimir's, even some Army people came from Nevada. He'll be coming home to the farm in November for a week. Oh, do I have plans for him! AJ is a terrific goat catcher from way back. I hope he will help me pick up loads of hay from down the road and get them stacked in the mow. The leaves are flying and the skies are gray. Hurrican Kyle is keeping the air quite warm and muggy, but not for long.

1 comment:

  1. wait... so matt is taking your things this weekend? mommy, we were supposed to celebarte your birthday. i didn't send you a package yet because of that!!!
    love you and will celebarte another time then. happy early birthday.. wednesday!!


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