Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sorting Things Out

Rainy, misty and yucky this morning in our little valley. I got my truck back yesterday and, low and behold, I broke down BECAUSE...Matt put a gas saving device in the engine - somewhere - and when I punched it to pass the putt-putt the thingy gave way and went into the carburetor. Only $200 to fish it out. Just think how much fiber I could have shipped to the mill with that money, or get two cats fixed, or buy flea collars, on and on. Easy day at work fortunately. The two kids I "teach" in my 11th grade "support" class were very cooperative while reviewing an old Regents exam. I think giving them Cokes helps - and they were 5 six packs for $11 at Price Chopper. Well worth it!! I'll spring for it!! There was a nice little party for a teacher who turned 60. They had her sit in a wheel chair in the nursing department and draped her with signs like "60 - older and wiser." I kind of had a seizure thinking how close I am... Better get a grip...Matt has been so sweet the last couple of days, having been away for the week and living in motels. I did all the morning chores, with water pouring in from a hole in the roof, and a little doe kid running around with her teeth caught in her mohair. She can't eat and I can't catch her until he comes back to help me corral her. The mother chick escaped from the creep feeder with her chicks. I shooed them back in for fear of cats getting the babies. There are 12 where there were 14 a few days ago. Who knows what happened while I was at work. I am going to put them all in a rabbit cage, which I hate to do, but it does protect the babies. I have to cut out plastic and nail it over the broken windows - clean rabbit cages, muck out the chicken room, on and on. Matt is taking my things to Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival next weekend and I do appreciate that. He's wonderful about chatting up the women and talking construction and politics with the guys. I can take care of my animals and make product for Rhinebeck. Let me go and try to catch that little doe. I'm finishing a bag I started last night but got too sleepy to finish, and making a batch of Anise soap. I have the cutest fabric for it already cut in squares. Any spare time is spent wrapping soap. I don't mind it, it's just very time consuming, and time is what I don't have enough of lately. Have to learn to manage it better.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I had a little seizure a few months ago when I turned 50. I don't feel like I'm 50, I can't be FIFTY. How did that happen so quickly?

    Well, you've got a handsome young dog looking at you over the barn door here, anyway!


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