Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tuesday, Tuesday

Rainy day - all those hot and cold currents combining to make uncertain weather. Only a couple of days of sun this week and not very hot - doesn't look good for a second cut anytime soon. I was almost there!!! Rain forecast for this weekend - second Saturday in a row missing the farmer's market. The people with veggies don't mind, the produce just gets washed - but I can't have my bags and soap getting damp. My focus is on the "Hemlock Festival" as people call it, on the 20th. Nice little show and the Rochester fiber fanatics are wonderful. If only I had a working machine...dropped two off yesterday to a repair guy in Norwich. Pray he looks at them soon. I stopped at the Salvation Army to see if they had any sewing machines for sale, no luck. Jan said she would look around for me today. I'm like a cowboy without a horse. I sheared Hecky, (Hector), my Cape Cod Organic Farm white angora buck, last night and will concentrate on doing critter things. He was given to me because I promised I wouldn't eat him, or sell him for meat. Perish the thought! I want to get some curly locks dyed for my booth. They are so pretty on the table in baskets, but kind of hard to sell. People want an eighth of an ounce, that sort of thing, for little needle felting projects, or other crafts. Wish I had a scale I could program the price and amount into - dream on. School today was fine, and my schedule is coming into place. It takes me a couple of weeks to get in a groove of what classes the kids I follow are in and where I need to go to be with them. Gretchen's GED class is wonderful, with good kids who ask me for help. Today Gretchen made whole wheat bread with flax seeds in the bread machine...and, as always, good coffee.


  1. What do they use an 8th of an ounce of curls for? Doll hair?

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I feel like a celebrity with the comments about my good coffee and bread! Score! As always you're quite special yourself. Don't forget you never need to ask...once the bread comes out just help yourself...I don't always remember to invite people to eat...ha.

    Thanks for all you help with GED and Global.


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