Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I call this kitty Hazel. She has lovely green eyes and is very sassy. Hazel follows me around and always tries to get into the apartment. She loves to lie on the big table where I do my fabric cutting and is happiest when there is a mountain of laundry for her to nestle in. No word on my sewing machines yet. Pleasant, cool weather today. After I got everyone taken care of after school I skirted some kid fleeces and got them in the dye pot. I have some rabbits that could be shorn, although they are not very long yet. I would like to get another run ready to drop at a festival to be taken back to a mill and carded. With Maryland Sheep and Wool in the spring, I have to start building a good stock now. I had a skeleton booth this year, and want to pack it in next May.

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