Friday, September 19, 2008

Take A Deep Breath

I combed Norwich and surrounding areas for 4 ounce canning jars, finally found some yesterday. Got all set up to make soap this morning and where are my jars? In the back of the Jeep that Matt took to Syracuse to work today. I couldn't believe it. I had so much to carry into the barn, out of the tractor shed and into the trailer, etc. that I left them in there hoping he would help me when he got home. He took out the cat and dog food and left the jars. Okay, I become my own therapist and say to myself that he didn't mean to take the jars to work with him. Why would he deliberately deprive us of all that income when we need it so badly? His mind was preoccupied with getting Dave Strack all the tools he needed for framing his barn apt., and was across the road for a while last night, and isn't that nice he's trying to be so helpful to our friends? I sure do miss my jars...

I am making trip after trip out to the truck, going through four doors to get there, tripping over cats and kicking dogs back inside so they don't run away. The dogs are panicked, knowing that Mommy is going somewhere different and can't they come to? Poor babies, all they know is body language and today mine is crazy. I have a mother hen with 12 little chicks in the Little Lamb Fine Dineing (I know it's misspelled, but that makes it even more charming) creep feeder. I need to put a top on it to keep cats out but I can't cut plywood myself and Matt, well, he's busy. I will obsess about it all weekend but I have GOT to get out of here.

Jay Argyle (great name!) from Fingerlakes Woolen Mill called to say my purple wool is noiling in his machine. Oh, Joy, what next. BFL is so soft it sometimes does that. John from Frankenmuth would just run it anyway, blending it into the other fiber and the noils would look like tweed, but I didn't know how to tell Jay that. He's bringing the uncarded wool to me at the festival, speaking of which I have to get my butt on the road. Sitting down to type a post was just too great a temptation and has a way of clearing my head. Weather is beautiful, tank is full. My truck has been recalled because the brakes can on fire but I can't do without it this weekend. What else!!!

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