Friday, September 19, 2008

Get it in Gear

Up way too late every night this week. By the time I get home, get chores done, get dinner made, I start work at 8 or 9 PM. Got enough of the Clove Bud wrapped to put on the table, along with Lavender, Unscented (?!) and Almond. I don't mind wrapping and enjoy it if I have time. It's like playing with lego blocks and the tactile aspect with the pretty fabric and labels is very pleasing. I saw the farmer on the corner of Beaver Creek and Academy Road putting hay away in his barn and stopped to chat. He has a couple of thousand bales for sale. I had hoped to get away without having to buy hay but it doesn't look like that will be the case. Rotten piece of luck. Mr. Spooner's tractor is broken and the days are getting shorter and cooler. Have to deal with it. I had a nice talk with Eric and Annie this week. Eric likes his new Boy Scout Council and, fortunately, the BSA are still solvent despite drops in donations across the board. If anyone can make money for a council it is Eric, which is why they hired him, I'm sure. He is a mover and a shaker, and very creative. He is going back to LV to get their belongings on the moving truck, then bringing Hannah and Luke back to San Jose with him. Annie will stay with a friend and continue to work at Bechtel until she can find a job in San Jose. Eric rented a cottage behind a Victorian house for them until their house purchase comes through. He went on and on about how lovely San Jose is, with flowers everywhere, cute shops and boutiques - even a LYS (Local Yarn Shop in fiber lingo) for Annie. The kids will have a neighborhood pool a block away, and walk to school. He found a Spanish lady with an after school program in her home for H and L to go to after school. The logistics of moving kids, belongings and animals is horrendous. Yes, M-O-V-E is a four letter word. I have to make cream, print booth signs, load all kinds of stuff, do morning chores, pack for myself for two days, and find some coverlets that are not too doggie scented for sleeping in the truck at night. Better get it in gear.

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