Thursday, July 17, 2008

More Bread

Hannah wanted to make more bread. By the time we got back from the creek and I did my chores it was after 9 PM. No problem for Hannah, and I didn't want to disappoint her. I had to wait up to round up the sheep around midnight anyway. What fun she had, and this time she added honey and raisins. I came in from my moonlit romp (oh, was it a mysterious misty night, with the almost full moon lighting up the fog...I couldn't see the sheep until I got up close to them, and they darted toward the barn...Holly came to help me as she's not afraid of the dark like Izzy!) and the house was smelling just divine. Hannah loves to experiment. She mixes and pours her concoctions to her heart's content. When I got up this morning I found chocolate chips and raisins all over the kitchen counter top, along with bowls of a chocolately syrup-like honey substance. I didn't watch this bread like the first batch...I wonder what's inside those lovely loaves.

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