Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

I hope Hannah makes more bread today. What a treat - this bread tastes more like cake than bread. Must have been good yeast - it rose nicely considering we forgot to heat the liquid we poured on it! Maybe I can talk her into experimenting with honey, or molasses (whoops, gave all that to the sheep during lambing)or raisins. Matt took a hunk off to work with him. NYSWDA is sending him to school all this week, to become a BPI. He will be licensed to analyze buildings and give them an energy rating, like washing machines and refrigerators. The "Energy Star" you see on your appliances came out of NY State, like other cool things - Women's Suffrage, Mormonism, etc. Well, depends on how you look at it!


  1. What a wonderful summer you are having. And what a wonderful time I am having reading about it. I love your blog. We had a pond to swim in in Ellicottville when I was growing up, sometimes we would ride the horses in.

  2. Oh that looks so yummy!!! Sure the kids don't want to come visit us in Canada (grin) I have fresh honey from a the local farmers market here :)


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