Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Sean!

Sean Austin Redmond is Matt's son from his childhood marriage to Loretta. They were young hippies running wild and free when they discovered a little bundle of joy was in the oven. Sean was born in Austin, Texas - Matt's spiritual home. He spent his formative years in the mountains of New Mexico and amoung the tall pines of Northern California. Sean is true to the California spirit of living in the moment and being true to your spirit. He is a talented graphic designer and cook. Matt has not spent as much time with Sean as he would have liked. Living on opposite coasts does not help the matter. I keep Matt so busy on the farm, and with a demanding new career, well, you know the story. Father and son hope to get together and do some running wild of their own in San Francisco where Sean has lived for some years now. Sean is coming East in September to do some business in NYC. The guys are planning to attend a Yankee game while he's here. Sean is behind Matt to the right in our wedding portrait, taken a decade ago. He has sprouted a few gray hairs since this picture was taken ten years ago. I wish Sean would come to visit so I could take some recent pictures of him. Better yet - I'll fly out to San Francisco to do a photo session with my handsome step-son!

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