Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Weekend

So long anticipated and so much appreciated. All this wonderful time together. We swam in the pond Saturday afternoon. The sun was hot and the lovely summer grasses waved in the breeze. Hannah and Luke floated on rafts and threw balls for the doggies. The sheep climbed the hill to drink from the opposite side of the pond. They were very surprised to see humans in the water. Today we slept late, played with kittens, did morning chores, then got cleaned up and went to the movies to see Wall-E, very cute, then got what we needed from Wal-Mart. Picked up the Sunday Times and British Country Living - along with more Starbucks (expresso ground) at B & N, then home for more down and dirty fun on the farm. After supper and evening chores, Hannah and Luke tried out their new flashlights in the dark and spooky hay mow. What fun. A rain shower changed our plans for an evening swim, so we are watching Jackie Chan instead (I was outvoted) and eating lots of junk food. We had a sheep-emergency today - flystrike! Miss Mamie, one of my rescued Rambouillets, has a flap of skin on her rear end - a prime target for flies to lay eggs. Sure enough, there were maggots all over her back end. I asked Hannah to hold her head for me while I pulled off the maggots, trimmed the wool and treated the area. Hannah bailed lickedy split, but Luke held her head like a champ and was fascinated by the whole process! He found the maggots extremely interesting and was very concerned about Miss Mamie. Little Summer was dancing all around bleating like crazy the whole time. Luke got her some corn and told her Mama will be alright. I think I have another first rate shepherd in the family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie,
    I thought Merino sheep were the ones that got the fly problem. Do all sheephave something like this skin flap that causes problems?


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