Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Continuing Saga Of Hay

Mr. Pearson is out of round bales. He sent us to a dairy farmer friend of his in Madison Center. Jan promises me this won't happen again next winter. She and Dave are up visiting for the weekend. They are camping on Beaver Creek. Oh, how very lovely it was to sit by the flowing water, eat Brie and drink Margueritas. We went to New Berlin for pizza and then came home so they could enjoy the full moon over their fields, which used to be part of this farm. We are looking for someone to hay their property, which may be a problem with the price of diesel. (What about you, Mary?) Jan brought bagels from New Jersey for me.....hmmmmm, good. I better get going - Jan and Dave are walking over for breakfast. It's so good to see them again. If only they could get their house in NJ sold...

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