Saturday, April 19, 2008

Drink Up!

Mr. LaFever came from Unadilla and determined that a wire in the ceiling of the milk room was faulty and it was not the well pump after all. A $1,000 repair became $125.00. Much more manageable. I filled up every imaginable container on the farm including the four stock tanks. The sheep tiptoed up in small groups to drink. It was so beautiful to watch these gentle creatures suck up their water. I have a short stock tank but they all prefer the tall one. Perhaps the water stays fresher in the deeper tank. Some of the bigger lambs can just about get their mouths in. The board across the water is for chickens or cats who accidentally fall in and need something to hang on to...don't laugh - it happens!

1 comment:

  1. What a relief to finally have water again, nothing more important on a farm.


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