Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Snow Event"

It's been snowing steadily for hours here in Brookfield. I took a sick/snow day today - hated to do it but I'm terrified of skidding off the road. I rarely pass anyone and cell phones don't work until I hit Norwich. Matt is in Syracuse and I have no one to come and pull me out. If I managed to get to work I don't know if I could get home to the lambs. I've had some horrific accidents in the past and they always linger in my mind. This "snow event," which is what the news likes to call it, is supposed to last two days. Oh, joy. It would be fine if I didn't have to work. I hate being out. Something always happens that makes me regret not being there. The last time I was out (when Breeze died) they had a meeting about the logistics of my position with regard to working with the teachers and students - and I wasn't THERE!! So I got the info after the fact, but I still would rather be there. No one showed up at Matt's office in Syracuse, but he is new and felt he should go in. He's leaving early - hope he makes it home, but he has the big F150 and should be okay. In the meantime, I can take care of my bottle babies and wash three days worth of dishes...I know, I know, I need a dishwasher. Good thing I make hand creme, my hands have really taken a turn for the nasty, not having a diswasher for ten years.

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