Monday, February 25, 2008

Hungry Little Monkeys

I flew out of the school and jumped in the truck, getting home in half an hour. I heard the screams of the babies when I pulled up alongside the barn. They had not drank the milk out of the pot I put down for them and were starving. I noticed my hanging teat bucket had not arrived from Premier yet, and sighed thinking tomorrow will be the same situation. When they saw me open the door the chorus of baaaaa!! baaaaa!! baaaaa!! got louder. I let them in the apt. with me, after letting the pile of dogs out, and they rooted on the back of my legs while I got their bottles ready. First Lincoln, then Tinky Winky, then Binky, then Pinky, then a little more for Lincoln. He can't nurse as long as the lambs, and has to drink in spurts. I'm exhausted. Six fifteen is not early enough to do all the bottle mixing, feedings and make Matt's lunch and only THEN get myself ready for work. Have to get up earlier. When I finished feeding the monkeys I let them play around the apt. to make up for leaving them all day. They love the feel of the pine floors under their hooves, and did their funny boing, boing, boing up and down the length of the floor. They went from table to chair to hearth, nibbling on newspapers and magazines. Now they are collapsed on the doggie beds, sleeping off their full bellies. They are SOOO much work but I am enjoying them a lot. Lovely sunny day today, but snow/sleet is coming tomorrow. I think I am going to collapse for a few minutes myself.

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