Monday, February 18, 2008

Midnight Bottles

My new bottle baby buck kid is still alive and yelling for food - good sign....BUT he is awful at taking his bottle. I have to cup his chin in my hand and hold his head steady and gently rub the nipple on his teeth so milk dribbles out into his mouth. He won't suck on the nipple yet, and if I squirt it into his mouth it runs out. Milk replacer is so $$ I hate to waste a drop. Some goat kids are like this - it's not the first time I've experienced this problem. Tinky, Winky and Pinky jump around and yell like crazy while I'm doing this, but they are fat and happy, and this little guy is trying to live. Speaking of trying to live...I just caught a newsclip of the biggest meat recall in history. Some undercover Humane Society (not PETA this time!) infiltrators took films of cows being poked with fork lifts to move when they were down and other forms of torture. The plant people never called vets for required inspections and the meat has been determined unfit for human consumption. Yikes, what a world. Sure, meat tastes good, but at the price of our humanity? Not worth it...I can't call myself a sheep breeder anymore, and didn't renew my ad in the Maryland Sheep and Wool catalogue. I don't sell culls, breeding stock, or older sheep as most breeders do, so I didn't see the sense of advertising. Now what to do about the dog and cat food I buy...cottage cheese is good for them, but really expensive and dairy cows suffer too. Oh, this weight on my conscience is awful.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Hey - I read a really great article about Vegetarians and what they feed their cats and dogs. I'll try to remember to bring it to work. You have to feed dogs meat or they'll get really sick, unless you really monitor they're diet.
    IT was very interesting.

    Hope you're having a great break! I just got up at noon...i love a BOCES free week!

  2. Thanks, G. I buy a chicken based dry kibble now. With my "fuzzy logic" eating chickens is not on the same guilt scale as cows. The Dalai Lama wouldn't agree with me, I'm sure...but the ancient rabbis considered chicken to be "pareve," which means neither milk or meat. They were kind of in the middle. That is not the case nowadays, chicken is considered meat. I can buy it at Country Max, next to BOCES, or at Homestead Feed, on the way home. Funny how BOCES is the center of our universe, huh?


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