Sunday, February 17, 2008

Merino and Rambouillet Wethers

These wethers came with the little flock I rescued last fall. Aren't they handsome? Can't wait to spin that brown Merino after he's shorn. These big sheep are surprisingly gentle and docile. Very shy, though, and don't want me anywhere near them. They've been shipped around a bit so I don't mind. They'll get to know me in time. Matt checked my blog this morning, which is kind of funny to watch. His eyes glaze over pretty quick. He checks for his name to make sure I'm saying nice things about him, and checks the comments. Everything else is boring as far as he's concerned. Fine with me, I don't want a censor...this is a journal - anything goes, well, almost anything.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    My guess is that soon those merino will literally be eating out of your hand! They instinctively know who loves them and is worthy of their trust. Hope some day they'll let me get close too. I love the feel of wool, especially when the owner of the wool is in it!

    Keep those pictures coming and the journaling too. It's what keeps me going, in absentia ....


  2. This absentia business is for the birds, Jan! Get your butt on up here! I need another pair of hands to carry buckets and sling bales!

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    my butt is willing -- all of it! We're trying trying trying!!! I'm looking forward to carrying buckets and slinging bales. Geez, reading that back, I might just qualify for the same looney-farm you live in!

    Now regarding the brown v.s. lighter merino. The lighter one has the color wool that I was picturing for the socks. Hmmm. Gotta see what we can do for this years (2008) batch?!

  4. No more socks, I'm putting the money into yarn. So save your socks as they are now a collector's item...or, I could teach you how to knit your own socks!

  5. That darker boy's got a gorgeous color. Card the two fleeces together and whoooey! What fun to spin! Beautiful!


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