Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mia's Birthday Visit

Mia arrived late afternoon and helped me with chores - bless her heart. She fed the babies, threw down bales for me, and fed the babies again. She LOVES her Dansko clogs and bunny mittens. We went to Frank's for dinner where we celebrated with shots of his famous Limonello home-made liquer (for favorite customers only). The best part was yet to come. Mia and I bundled up and sat under the stars to watch a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE!! It was stunning, absolutely beautiful, with wispy black clouds slipping over the big soft orange disk. The north silo and barn roof framed the moon perfectly. The stars were never so bright, and we were never so cold, but that made it more fun. We snuggled under blankets while Bodie kept bringing us his ball to throw and kitties jumped on our laps for warmth. We waited for totality, watched a while longer, then went in to watch movies on the sofa. It was just perfect. Matt rushed off to work this morning and we're watching the Today show from Vermont, where Mia went to college. I'm cooking Cream of Wheat (aka porridge) for her breakfast. We keep talking about how nice it would be to have twin B, AJ, here but he is in Carson City, Nevada, at an Army Chaplain convention. We'll do chores together then she departs in her little black Hyundai for Morristown and a birthday dinner date. Mommie will have pleasant memories dancing in her head for days to come.

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mia and AJ!!!!! May you have many more happy days with your family and friends!
    HUGS to all


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