Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mia's Birthday Mittens

Mia requested Bunny Mittens for her birthday a while back and I didn't want to disappoint her. It's been so long since I've knitted bunny mittens, but I had the yarn spun and decided to just get 'er done. I had to look up my pattern, and had a time of it with the thumbs, which came out a bit thick (warmer?). With wear they will become fuzzy and fluffy with that characteristic angora halo. She was thrilled, and that made me happy, and she wore them under the Lunar Eclipse. Now they are very special birthday mittens indeed.


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    you'll have to teach me how to make mittens! I had a gorgeous pair of hand made angora/alpaca mittens that I lost in the wilds of the library parking lot at Oswego. I miss them!

    I'm glad you had fun with Mia...wonderful breakiness!

  2. Happy to do it - mittens 101. Easier than socks, too! I'll spin some bunny yarn for you - it's the best for mittens, especially where we live.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    You're fabulous! Don't forget it!


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