Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome Jan and Dave!

When I got out to the barn I heard the tell-tale sounds - a low, rumbling mother-speak along with tiny little baaas. I followed the sounds and there they were, under the rabbit cages where Mom had gone to be alone. I ran back in the apt. and called, MATT!! It's showtime! Cold twins on the dirt! He came right out and we got the tiny little white twins into the jug and onto some clean hay. Mom is a first timer and is a little nervous. I milked her out and got some colostrum into the babies. They are lively and seem healthy enough, but are very small. I'm watching them carefully. Oh, they are just the cutest little things in the WORLD. Matt named them Jan and Dave, no, not the 60's surfing music duo - but our friends who own the hayfields across from me. When I put the sweaters on tonight, they settled right down together in the hay. It must feel like they are safely back in the warm womb again, not out in the cold, cruel world where they have to work to stay alive.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    OMG! How much cuter can anything get?
    I don't want to sound too old but the 60's singing duo was Jan and Dean so Dave is safe from any mistaken identity.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Gee Maggie and Matt,

    Dave and I think we're flattered, but we're still mulling the idea .... Actually, as Mia said, they can't any cuter! You'd better not turn Dave's namesake into a no-shooter! Whichever one Dave is, he looks like a real stud-muffin!

    Love the matching sweaters too.




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