Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No Lambs This Morning

Tiptoed around the barn at 5 - all quiet. Jan and Dave were up nursing. Lilly was standing up and when she took a few steps I noticed she's walking funny. Udder problems? Sparky is a big strong lamb and should be taking away enough milk to keep her from getting engorged, but she only has one udder. Hope she can keep the one teat working or I will have to supplement with the bottle, a real pain in the neck and the pocketbook. Powdered milk replacer is very expensive. I'm going to lie down a few minutes before getting ready for work. Much colder out there now and will be colder still this weekend.


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Hey sweety,

    If you need milk replacer, let me buy and have shipped to you! After all, you did name 2 other new lambs after me and Dave! Do we have to sign any papers of guardianship on those 2?

    Doesn't Velvet look so sweet laying with her big brother! What a face and what coloring! Just too cute ....


  2. You're a doll, Jan! I think she's okay for now. Matt called Dr. Rachel who told us to do hot soaks and give her penicillin, but when I got home from work and checked her, the udder was not hot and milk was flowing. I'll keep checking her and hope for the best! I'll let you know! Jan and Dave are staying cuddled up together to conserve heat - single digits tonight!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!